Leaded Glass Projects
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Punta Gorda, FL. Suite of 5 windows; Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Firmament, 2005.
EUCHARIST, St. Peter the Apostle Catholci Church., Naples, FL, 1995, 18'x8'3". "
THE HEALING GARDEN, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, 2004; 24 x 8 feet. .
Detail from Healing Garden - Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, 2004; 24 x 8 feet.
HOLY SPIRIT - Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Lake Mary, FL. - approx. 8' x 12'
ST. CECILIA, Ft. Myers, FL , 26' x 12'10", 2019
St. Joseph C.C., Jacksonville, Florida, 2002, 5'7" x 7'10",
HOLY SPIRIT, Lutheran Southern Theological Seminary, Columbia, SC, 1998, 48 x 25' (???).
Exterior view. HOLY SPIRIT, Lutheran Southern Theological Seminary, Columbia, SC, 1998, 48 x 25'
Chapel Entry, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Punta Gorda, FL, each +/- 48" x 18", 2008
Chapel Entry, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Punta Gorda, FL, each +/- 48" x 18", 2008
HOLY SPIRIT, Canterbury Conference Center, Oveido, Florida, 56", 1994
Detail Macromicrochip 1, Residence, Winter Park, FL
Macromicrochip 1, Residence, Winter Park, FL